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Oct. 17, 2012
PLANNING BOARD   ---   Regular Meeting  ---   October 17, 2012

7:30 PM  The meeting opened by chairman. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, and Tom Daly.  Ann Neuburg was absent.

Deputy Fire Chief Marc Matthews came in to discuss gap in enforcement of fire/safety codes when a Special Permit for pre-existing accessory apartment is issued [cases where there is no building permit]. He explained the levels of requirements for smoke/CO detectors, and how they depend on the state specs at the time of construction or renovation. When substantial renovations occur, the property owner must bring the detectors up to current code throughout the entire building. He described a number of homes he inspected that were presented as single-family but actually contained two dwelling units. He wants to know how to get properties into compliance when there is no building permit involved. Homeowners are coming forward to obtain S.P. for Acc. Apt. because insurance companies and mortgage lenders discover the 2nd dwelling and demand compliance with local regulations.

It was noted that the Princeton Accessory Apartment bylaw states in XVII 1. C)  that   “(building permit must be issued)…and there shall be no use or occupancy of the accessory apartment until the Building Inspector has issued a certificate of occupancy.”  The PB agreed that this sentence could be interpreted either way, and that they will consider changing the wording to clarify that an occupancy permit is required whether or not a building permit was issued. In sum, the board agreed to change the Special Permit 'conditions' to include obtaining an occupancy permit.~

The PB would like to have Building Inspector John Wilson come to a meeting to discuss the occupancy permit issue for apartments, as well as permits for mobile homes associated with construction such as timeframes and “temporary occupancy or “emergency occupancy.” He will be invited for Nov. 7 or December.

An updated, more comprehensive list of samples of “mobile home’ and ‘earth removal’ bylaws from other towns were distributed to members. Discussion continued regarding confusing verbiage in the zoning bylaws. Jon suggested prohibiting mobile/manufactured homes as a principal use in all districts, as is the norm for all Central Mass. Communities that were researched. Legal status of Mobile/Manufactured vs. recreational vehicles/trailers [and parking/storing] were discussed.

Dana Staub, 37 Radford road, at the corner of Boylston, came in and described his house, built in the 1930s, which he purchased in 1997 with a walk-out basement accessory apartment. He was unaware of the S.P. requirement until his mortgage lender, for re-financing, ordered an appraisal and checked for any permit requirements. He intends to file application for a S.P. Tom suggested that he ask John Wilson to inspect and tell him what is required for an occupancy permit. Dana already has Title V approval for a 5-BR and reported the main house has about 2,300 sq.ft. and the apt. has about 840 sq.ft., so it meets parameters for the S.P.

Tom announced that he is an abutter on Boylston Ave. and would recuse from the public hearing. PB alternate member Rick McCowan will be notified if and when when public meetings are scheduled.

8:20 PM  Administrative Business  Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of from Oct. 3.

Board looked at draft copy of map from CMRPC. It includes 3 layers:  zoning; parcels and open space. The legend had some curious titles, and Marie will follow up with Matt Franz before a wall size is printed.

Tom spoke about the earth removal references in zoning which currently allow removal in any district with a S.P. from ZBA and no conditions or guidelines. He suggested prohibiting earth removal in RA districts,

The PB will analyze the regs from other towns regarding both mobile homes and earth removal and consider changes in Princeton’s zoning.

9:00 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  

Draft town map from CMRPC
Princeton Zoning Bylaws  pages 3, 7, 8;  
Community Survey of Zoning re: earth removal; mobile homes

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department